The Round Up!

9.4.13 As we head into a new school year, it’s important to share the successes of school districts working to reduce school suspensions through alternative means. Even though many of you know that our policy work is focused on ...

Civil Rights Leaders & Students to Gov. Brown: Time Is Now to Sign AB 420 and Fix ‘Willful Defiance’ Suspensions

Saying “school discipline is a civil rights issue,” students from across California told powerful personal stories about school suspensions in a rally on August 14 on the steps of the Capitol in Sacramento. They joined the ...

Join Us at 12! Students Rally in Sacramento for Equality in School Discipline

Saying that it shouldn’t matter where you live or who you are when out-of-school suspensions are handed out, students and parents rallied in Sacramento on Wednesday, August 14, in support of fair school discipline rules. Data shows ...

Stand Up For Students’ Civil Rights on August 14th!

Will you join youth who are standing up for civil rights? On August 14, youth from different parts of California will lead a rally in Sacramento to ask Governor Jerry Brown to meet with young people to understand why it is critical ...

Free Webinar! Join the DSC to Learn More About Restorative Justice!

Join The Dignity in Schools Campaign for a webinar training: DSC Model Code: Restorative Justice WHAT: Free webinar focused on advocating for and using Restorative Justice practices WHEN: Thursday, July 25, 4:00/1:00PM (Eastern/Pacific ...

This Weekend! First Ever Conference on Disproportionality of School Suspensions

This weekend will showcase an entire conference dedicated to fixing school discipline. “We Can Do Better: Collaborating to Reform School Discipline and Accountability,” is sponsored by the Advancement Project and will bring educators, ...

Free Webinar: Alternative Discipline Makes Cents: Finding Funding to Fuel Change!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM PDT Join Sarah Omojola of Public Counsel and Kerry Callahan of Pioneer High School in Woodland for the next webinar in the Let’s Fix School Discipline Webinar Series. This webinar will ...

Excellent Story on NPR About One School’s Success Using Restorative Justice Practices

Out-of-school suspensions are on the rise across the country, a troubling statistic when you consider being suspended just once ups a student’s chances of dropping out entirely. That’s why many districts are hoping to keep ...

Free Webinar: DSC Model Code: Data, Monitoring and Accountability

Join The Dignity in Schools Campaign for a webinar training: DSC Model Code: Data, Monitoring and Accountability WHAT: Free webinar focused on using data to make positive school discipline changes and improving community monitoring ...

Interrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Another look into an absurd school discipline policy that totes a 6-year-old off to jail for having a tantrum during school. Elsewhere in this country, young students have been suspended and jailed for throwing a pencil at another ...

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