The goal of creating a “trauma sensitive school” is to reduce problem behaviors and emotional difficulties, as well as optimize positive and productive functioning for all children and youth. When schools are able to address the behavioral health needs of students in a proactive manner, rather than a reactive one, they can increase the resources available to promote educational goals.
Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS): A Whole-School, Multi-Level, Prevention and Intervention Program for Creating Trauma-Informed, Safe and Supportive Schools (2016)
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Center for Juvenile Justice Reform: Cross System Collaboration (2013)
Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in School Discipline
Research shows adverse childhood experiences and trauma are related to school drop out, particularly for children of color. Learning social emotional skills helps students succeed in school and life. This Fix School Discipline webinar focuses on fostering students’ strength to overcome trauma and violence. Instead of saying “what is wrong with you?” educators can learn to ask “what has happened to you?”
Paper Tigers
This documentary set in and around Lincoln Alternative High School in the rural community of Walla Walla, Washington asks the following questions: What does it mean to be a trauma-informed school? And how do you educate teens whose childhood experiences have left them with a brain and body ill-suited to learn? Learn more at http://kpjrfilms.co/paper-tigers.