The presence of law enforcement officers has steadily increased on K-12 campuses over the last several decades, which has led to higher rates of citations and arrests of students of color in a number of school districts for behaviors previously addressed in school without police. For community organizers and advocates, these arrests and citations are evidence of a shift toward an over-reliance on police to handle school discipline matters.
Research & Resources
ACLU: Cops and No Counselors: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students (2019)
The Advancement Project Restorative Justice Now: A Community Review of Alexandria City Public Schools’ Implementation of Restorative Justice (2016)
PJU: Denver Community Accountability Report Card (2016)
Padres y Jovenes Unidos and The Advancement Project: Lessons on Racial Justice and Movement Building (2014)
Labor/Community Travel Center: Black, Brown, and Over-Policed in L.A. Schools: Structural Proposals to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline in the Los Angeles Unified School District and to Build a National Movement to Stop the Mass Incarceration of Black and Latino Communities (2013)
Labor/Community Travel Center: Black, Brown, and Over-Policed in L.A. Schools: Structural Proposals to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline in the Los Angeles Unified School District and to Build a National Movement to Stop the Mass Incarceration of Black and Latino Communities (2013)
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions: A Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Effectiveness Trial Assessing School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Elementary Schools (2009)
Educational Psychology: Whole-School Positive Behaviour Support: Effects on student discipline problems and academic performance (2005)
Education and Treatment of Children: Translating Research into Effective Practice: The Effects of a Universal Staff and Student Intervention on Indicators of Discipline and School Safety (2001)
Honoring Solidarity and Visions for Uprooting Law Enforcement Practices from Schools
To demand that schools defund their police departments is not enough to do away with law enforcement’s deep entrenchment in school policy. In this FSD coalition dialogue, we discuss organizing that will lead to the removal of school police and the implementation of community prevention and intervention practices.
The California School Safety Toolkit
This webinar introduces participants to the research evidence behind effective school safety approaches, reviews information on how the School Safety Toolkit was pilot-tested in California, and walks through the implementation process of the Toolkit itself.