Trauma and Learning

Peter P., et al. v. Compton Unified School District, et al. is a landmark, first-of-its kind class action complaint addressing a widespread, yet often ignored, public health crisis in America: the adverse impact of childhood trauma ...

Oakland Unified Takes Historic Vote to End Suspensions and Transfers for ‘Willful Defiance’ and Commits $2.3 Million to Fund Intervention and Prevention

On Wednesday night, after months of advocacy by a broad coalition of community groups and civil rights advocates, students, parents and teachers, the Oakland Unified School Board voted unanimously on Wednesday night to end ...

Report Says California School Districts Need to Focus on Foster Youth in Budget Plans

A report released today finds that while the Local Control Funding Formula was intended to help ensure that the unique needs of foster youth were addressed, in the first year of implementation few school districts developed goals or ...

Free Webinar Trainings and Access To Our Archive

Since we started our Fix School Discipline Webinar Series, we’ve gotten a great response from community members and teachers alike. Our new and improved Webinar page offers an easy way to see what webinars are upcoming (month by ...

California reports suspensions down by 50,000 students

California released data today showing school suspensions and expulsions continue to fall as a result of new state laws and a wave of actions by communities and educators to keep students in school. School suspensions are down 25% over ...

Study: Suspending students lowers achievement of non-suspended students

Some people say that if you remove classroom distractions by suspending misbehaving students, other students benefit. A just-published research study says the opposite is true. The study found that high rates of school suspensions ...

AB 420 ends suspensions of young students & school districts show support

As California students go back to school this month, there’s good news for everyone who wants to make sure they stay there. Starting January 1, California became the first state in the nation to eliminate in and out-of-school ...

Keeping kids out of court, in school

by Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, Chief Justice of California,  as seen in the Daily Journal What should happen to a teenage girl who keeps getting into fights at school? To a 12-year-old caught selling drugs? To a boy who has run away ...

Join Our TweetChat tomorrow and help us end Willful Defiance in California!

This week, we continue our campaign to end suspensions due to Willful Defiance in California. We invite you to participate in a TweetChat tomorrow with members of various communities who are working to curb suspensions and expulsions ...

LCAP Countdown Week V: No More Class Time Lost to Suspension, Long Beach Community Says

In Long Beach, students, parents and community members in the Every Student Matters coalition are asking the Superintendent and SchoolBoard to make their LCAP reflect what the research shows and students and parents there want, more ...

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