The Round Up!



Even though many of you know that our policy work is focused on California, school districts all across the country are making moves from punitive to restorative justice practices, positive behavioral intervention and support, and social emotional learning in their schools. We want to include school districts that are beginning to have these important conversations, as well as  bring you more of these success stories! Here are some recent stories that made headlines.

Fairfax County School Board to consider discipline changes

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Plan for discipline on the move

Ector County, Texas is making shifts to standardize disciplinary procedures and implement a campus-based behavior program to decrease dropout rates. They have implemented positive behavior interventions and support (PBIS) which has been successful in decreasing the dropout rates. Read more…

Bibb school’s discipline committee promotes alternative punishment

Bibb County, Georgia is seeking to make positive discipline changes to improve student behavior and keep them in school.  Read more...

Guest: Rethink school discipline for students of different backgrounds

In an op-ed piece, school Superintendent Edward Lee Vargas urges Washington schools to take a serious look at school discipline through the lens of racial bias and adopt more equitable strategies for discipline. The Kent School District has made shifts in their discipline model towards a model “focused on relationships, prevention and high standards for all.” Read More…

Let cooler heads prevail in the Syracuse school discipline debate: Commentary from Pat Driscoll, Say Yes to Education

Syracuse continues to seek changes to their school discipline policies. Executive Director of Say Yes Syracuse urges all parties at the table to work towards important changes for students in the Syracuse school system. Read More...



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